Saturday, January 28, 2012

Cammie Jeans matches

Haha Got ya!!!

I think she is bored out of her mind.  lol

Logans wrestling matches

The score is 9 to 9 here
Logan lost this match.  Although the kid got 2 nearfall poitns the last round.  Apparently Logan was suppose to get 2 nearfall also but since it was just a fun interclub meet jake didn't want to make too big of a stink.  So really the match should have gone to overtime. 
In case you can't see Logan won this match,  I am really proud of him.  Coming into a sport, especially wrestling as a 4th grader is probably hard.  he had a blast though!!

Brodys First Match

The other kid was punching brody in the head.  His mom was yrlling from the side line no no punching.  It was pretty funny. 
Okay before we get started brodys doctor said it was okay for brody to participate as long as he quits when he is tired.  We have a signal brody is to give when he is done.  We have prayed as his parents about this decision.  We have always said brodys life is about quality not quantity.  Look at that smile above he is smiling in every picture.   Ok now that thats out of the way brody did so awesome.  He was smiling the whole time and loved every minute of it.  He had to wrestle the same guy twice and he pinned him both times!!  He came home with two 1st places!!! Way to go Brody!!

Rafes 1st match

Hes Happy I swear
Rafe was an animal!!!! Our wrestling club had a interclub match.  It was sooo much fun.  Rafe loved every minute of it, and even thought he wrestled the same kid twice he came home with 2 first place ribbons, despite having his mom who knew nothing but stay off your back, stand up, and pick his head up, as a coach for the 2nd match.   Pretty good since there is only a first and a second.  lol

Team Dummy Roping sidney mt

Well the boys were all excited to go dummy roping in sidney last weekend.  As you can see there are only pics of rafe.  The other boys fought all day.  Against our better judgement we decide to go anyway.  We get in the car and the other two start punching each other and yelling so jake put the car in park and got out and went in the house.  They followed him and were like dad we need to go!!! And he was like i'm not taking you guys.  Why should I take you when you can't even behave?  Then rafe walked in crawled up in jakes lap and was like but dad I was good.  Then jake was like ah crap we got to go now.  Rafe does deserve to go.  So that is why rafe is the only one roping.  Hard night for us since we had to stick to our guns.  Hard night for the other boys as they learned a lesson.  But hey looks like Rafe is having a blast.  lol

The post of many pictures. And a wedding.

 Grandma playing with the kiddos
Then men hanging out in the kitchen
 Now its no secret that kayla steals my camera at most family funtions and takes pics, which is great cause then i don't have too.  lol

Me and grandma had to get pics with kayla cuz she has pics of ger and everyone and their mother on the wall except me and grandma.  sheesh
If you are wondering why their were no pics of lars and lindsey it is because they were off on their honeymoon!!
Picture taken by brieanna wentzel Yeah my cousin is the bomb. 

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Partying with the Sabins

What more needs to be said.  lol We are grateful to tab for hosting the dinner so we could see everyone.  We miss you guys, and may possible be home for easter!!!